
Auto Renew Monthly Unlimited Membership Deal!

Sign up for your Auto-Renew Monthly Unlimited membership and receive all the perks. We want you to be a part of our community so we make it easy and affordable. Follow the link below or give us a call at 337-427-4006!

CLICK HERE: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=437115&stype=40&prodid=100


Class/Sign Up Info

Classes are held in the studio with limited capacity. Prior registration on MindBody is encouraged. If class is full, please join the Waitlist. See Schedule Here!

PLEASE NOTE: Prior registration for class encouraged for students to enter the studio for classes. There will be a Waitlist for each class. You will be contacted prior to your upcoming class- if you cannot attend, please cancel on the MindBody app or website. This cancellation is important because if you are unable to attend the in-studio class for which you are registered, students on the waitlist will be moved into the class.

What’s happening at The Space…

Special Events



200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training 2025!

